This Company was incorporated on 3rd August 2006. It was initially started with New and Middle Range of Thai Amulets, after a while in the business, we started to have more Older and Evergreen Amulets as our circle of customers have gain our confidence as they are Now learning to appreciate on Old Evergreen Amulets while are worthy of their collection cum investment.

So we hope that this blog could provide more Infomation and History about Thai Buddha Amulets and also The Great Monks in Thailand. Sharing with you all is always our Pleasure.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Luang Ta BoonNar, Wat PaSotThiPhol, aged 79yrs old. Became monk at the aged of 12, Nephew to The Great Ac Fun, and followed The Great Ac Mun as a young novice monk, then learned from his uncle AC FUN. After That Luang Ta BoonNar followed the great L.P.Chop went tudong in the forest for 10years and had many Great teachers ( all of the direct disciple from The Great Ac Mun ) such as:-

Luang Phoo Ther
Luang Phoo Waen
Luang Phoo Onn
Luang Phoo Sim
Acharn Lee
Acharn BuaSiripunyo
Luang Phoo Cham
Luang Ta MaHaBooWa

Luang Ta BoonNar is a Very Famous Guru now in SakornNakhon and considered 1 of the Great Guru in Dhammayut Sector. Have many followers and disciples from all over the country and outside the country such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and etc.

Monday, August 16, 2010


The images of Thai Buddhist Amulets were usually an image of the Lord Buddha, it was until the past century when images of Phra Arahants ( Disciple to Lord Buddha whom had achieved Nibbana ), Famous Monks and Devas came into picture and gained much more popularity. In fact Lord Buddha forbidded the worship of HIS images, but rather achieve enlightenment through practising the Dhamma. As no images of Lord Buddha were made during His lifetime. Only after Lord Buddha attained Nibbana, Buddhist started to paid respect to Lord Buddha's Relics, Stupas, and even His footprints. 5 centuries later, the army of the Emperor Alexandre of Greece/Macedonia were sent to conquer the land of the present-day Northern India. Sculptors and other craftmen were sent along and subsequently most of them became Buddist followers.The first image of the Lord Buddha were then created. Images of Lord Buddha are then made in accordance to the thirty-two marks of a Buddha, symbolising the thirty-two qualities of a Buddha. And since then till present-day , images of Lord Buddha are used by Buddhist to take rufuge, pay respects and reminding oneself of Lord Buddha and his teachings.

Thai Buddhist Amulets can be devided into 2 group, The 1st being ancient old votice images of Lord Buddha, they were made in varied sizes and stored in ancient stupas ( Buddha Architectural ), temples and sometimes in caves. these ancients amulets were made from Terracotta/Red Soil ( Nur Din ) or Metal Alloy ( Nur Chin ). Some of this images traced back to approximately about 1,000years of history, back to the times of. When temples and stupas were destroyed either from age, natual disasters or during ancient wars, these small amulets were discovered together with old Dhamma Scriptures and unearthed gradually from past centuries to recent decade in Thailand. Many think that all these amulets is sacred and the Thai people started wearing it as Holy Amulets. From here on, Holy Monks around the country started to produced Amulets and distributed to people from time to time.

The 2nd Group of Thai Buddhist Amulets were made by Holy Monks since the last century. And images of Phra Arahant, images of Holy Monks, and Devas are gaining popularity as these images often bear the words of Old Holy Buddhist and Khmer language scripts and also comtemporary Thai Language scripts on the name the Holy Monk, Temple and date of issued.

Like old votive images, they are also made from Nur Din and Nur Chin, however other materials such as Holy Wood, Herbs ( Nur Wahn ), Ivory, Horns also had been used to made these amulets. And majority of new amulets also made from Holy Powders ( Nur Phong ) that may contained, Holy Asshes of Great Arahant, burned palm leaves, food grained, filed metal from Ancient Buddha, powder from old famous amulets and etc. Amulets of Mini Statues ( LoopLor ) and Medal ( Rian ) also gain popularity in these recent decades. Various of shape and design were made by Holy Monks. And the New Period of Thai Buddhist Amulets are made for few purposes such as Temple Building, Fund Raising for Schools, Hospitals, Orphanages and etc. When a Devotees supports such act of good deeds whether by physical participation or monetary donations, these amulets would be given to the Devotees as a token of good deeds and wishes.